DataMapper ORM

Database Tables

DataMapper ORM is implemented with Database normalization Third normal form in mind. In short, that means every table is aware only of itself, with fields relevant only to itself, as well as optional fields describing $has_one relationships. If a table has a many relationship with another table, it is represented by a special joining table. In either case, the same two objects can only have one relationship between them.

(This is different from original DM, because it doesn't require a dedicated table for every relationship join.)

Lets take a look at the below example.


id code name
12 AM Armenia
13 AW Aruba
14 AU Australia
15 AT Austria


id country_id user_id
1 14 7
2 12 8


id username password email
7 Foo ec773c1da6f96b0265d76fa0a53db697e66a8eea
8 Baz 383f27f548397ea123ec444505ef4c7cd993dbf6

Here we have 3 tables. Tables countries and users are normal tables. Table countries_users is the joining table that stores the relations between the records of countries and users.

The joining table shows that country ID 14 (Australia) has a relationship with user ID 7 (Foo). Country ID 12 (Armenia) has a relationship with user ID 8 (Baz).

Table Naming Rules

Please read this section carefully, as these rules are the foundation of Datamapper ORM's ORM methods.

For more advanced relationships, including self-relationships, and multiple relationships between the same models, there are a few other rules. These are outlined in Advanced Relationships.

In-Table Foreign Keys

The way DataMapper originally required all relationships to have dedicated join tables. Datamapper ORM is a little more flexible and allows in-table foreign keys as well.

For this example, let's look at the same data, but when there is only one country for each user.


id code name
12 AM Armenia
13 AW Aruba
14 AU Australia
15 AT Austria


id username password email country_id
7 Foo ec773c1da6f96b0265d76fa0a53db697e66a8eea 14
8 Baz 383f27f548397ea123ec444505ef4c7cd993dbf6 12

Notice we've removed the joining table, and added the column country_id directly to the table users. Now the relationships are preserved, but we have less clutter in the database, and slightly faster queries as well.

That's pretty much it as far as your normal tables go. The setting to signify if tables are joined with a One to One, One to Many, or Many to Many relationship is setup in the DataMapper models.