Reserved Names
In order to help out, DataMapper uses a series of functions and variable names in its operation. Because of this, some names cannot be used by a developer.
The following are variables that should only be used in your Models as described in this User Guide.
Important: The field names in your Database tables and relationships cannot be the same as these variables.
Take special care not to use these common names: all, common, config, db, error, lang, load, model, parent, prefix, stored, table, valid, validation.
- $_dmz_config_defaults
- $_field_tracking
- $_force_save_as_new
- $_include_join_fields
- $_instantiations
- $_query_related
- $_validated
- $_where_group_started
- $all
- $all_array_uses_ids
- $auto_populate_has_many
- $auto_populate_has_one
- $auto_transaction
- $common
- $config
- $created_field
- $db
- $db_params
- $default_order_by
- $error
- $error_prefix
- $error_suffix
- $extensions
- $extensions_path
- $field_label_lang_format
- $fields
- $form_validation
- $free_result_threshold
- $global_extensions
- $has_many
- $has_one
- $join_prefix
- $lang
- $lang_file_format
- $load
- $local_time
- $model
- $parent
- $prefix
- $production_cache
- $stored
- $table
- $timestamp_format
- $unix_timestamp
- $updated_field
- $valid
- $validation
The following is a list of reserved names that cannot be used as function names in your model or field names in your Database tables, unless you are overriding them on purpose.
- DataMapper
- __call
- __clone
- __get
- __toString
- _add_related_table
- _add_to_select_directly
- _alpha_dash_dot
- _alpha_slash_dot
- _always_validate
- _assign_libraries
- _auto_trans_begin
- _auto_trans_complete
- _boolean
- _clear_after_query
- _count_related
- _count_related_objects
- _delete
- _delete_relation
- _dmz_assign_libraries
- _encode_php_tags
- _extension_method_exists
- _field_func
- _func
- _get_by
- _get_by_related
- _get_generated_timestamp
- _get_prepend_type
- _get_related_properties
- _get_relation
- _get_relationship_table
- _get_without_auto_populating
- _handle_default_order_by
- _handle_related
- _having
- _initiate_local_extensions
- _join_field
- _like
- _load_extensions
- _load_helpers
- _load_languages
- _matches
- _max_date
- _max_size
- _min_date
- _min_size
- _parse_subquery_object
- _prep_for_form
- _prep_url
- _process_function_arg
- _process_query
- _process_special_query_clause
- _refresh_stored_values
- _related
- _related_max_size
- _related_min_size
- _related_required
- _related_subquery
- _remove_other_one_to_one
- _run_get_rules
- _save
- _save_itfk
- _save_related_recursive
- _save_relation
- _strip_image_tags
- _subquery
- _to_array
- _to_object
- _trim
- _unique
- _unique_pair
- _valid_date
- _valid_date_group
- _valid_match
- _where
- _where_in
- _xss_clean
- add_table_name
- autoload
- check_last_query
- clear
- count
- count_distinct
- delete
- delete_all
- distinct
- error_message
- exists
- flush_cache
- func
- get
- getIterator
- get_clone
- get_copy
- get_iterated
- get_paged
- get_paged_iterated
- get_raw
- get_sql
- get_where
- group_by
- group_end
- group_start
- having
- ilike
- include_join_fields
- include_related
- include_related_count
- is_related_to
- join_related
- like
- limit
- load_extension
- localize_by_model
- localize_label
- not_group_start
- not_ilike
- not_like
- offset
- or_group_start
- or_having
- or_ilike
- or_like
- or_not_group_start
- or_not_ilike
- or_not_like
- or_where
- or_where_in
- or_where_not_in
- order_by
- query
- recursive_require_once
- refresh_all
- reinitialize_model
- result_count
- save
- save_as_new
- select
- select_avg
- select_max
- select_min
- select_sum
- set_join_field
- skip_validation
- start_cache
- stop_cache
- trans_begin
- trans_commit
- trans_complete
- trans_off
- trans_rollback
- trans_start
- trans_status
- trans_strict
- update
- update_all
- validate
- where
- where_in
- where_not_in