Handling Logins
The example application includes a fairly simple login manager. It doesn't handle anything fancy, such as registering users, emailing passwords, or allowing users to reset their password. But it does provide a foundation to see how to create users, securely encrypt their passwords, and validate logins.
Application / Models / User.php
The model handles the heavy work of hashing the password, as well as validating the login.
Some sections of the file have been trimmed for brevity, and replaced with ellipsis.
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Application / Controllers / Login.php
The login controller simply renders out the login form (below). If the form was submitted, it attempts to process the login.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48function index() { $user = $this->login_manager->get_user(); if($user !== FALSE) { // already logged in, redirect to welcome page redirect('welcome'); } // Create a user to store the login validation $user = new User(); if($this->input->post('username') !== FALSE) { // A login was attempted, load the user data $user->from_array($_POST, array('username', 'password')); // get the result of the login request $login_redirect = $this->login_manager->process_login($user); if($login_redirect) { if($login_redirect === TRUE) { // if the result was simply TRUE, redirect to the welcome page. redirect('welcome'); } else { // otherwise, redirect to the stored page that was last accessed. redirect($login_redirect); } } } $user->load_extension('htmlform'); $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); $this->load->view('template_header', array('title' => 'Login', 'hide_nav' => TRUE)); $this->load->view('login', array('user' => $user)); $this->load->view('template_footer'); }
Application / Libraries / Login_Manager.php
The login_manager library was created to make it easier to prevent unchecked access to the website. By default, when it is loaded, it will redirect to the login page if there is no login. It also contains options to restrict the access based on the user's assigned group.
This snippet below shows the method used to validate the login. The session variable login_redirect was stored at an earlier time, if the user attempted to visit a page without being logged in (or, if the session had timed out).
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84/** * process_login * Validates that a username and password are correct. * * @param object $user The user containing the login information. * @return FALSE if invalid, TRUE or a redirect string if valid. */ function process_login($user) { // attempt the login $success = $user->login(); if($success) { // store the userid if the login was successful $this->session->set_userdata('logged_in_id', $user->id); // store the user for this request $this->logged_in_user = $user; // if a redirect is necessary, return it. $redirect = $this->session->userdata('login_redirect'); if($redirect !== FALSE) { $success = $redirect; } } return $success; }
Application / Controllers / Bugs.php
Finally, to show how login_manager is used to prevent access for non-logged-in users, this is from the top of a controller.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • •class Bugs extends Controller { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // prevent non-logged-in access $this->load->library('login_manager'); } [...]